Tuesday 5 January 2016

The Odd Fish : New year, new renewals, new adventures!

I'm hopeful for the new year and what it might bring - which is as good a place to start as any.  Meanwhile over on flickr, I've been happily regular in my picture making as follows :


Bunny Hunny
Bunny Hunny

Glittering Cloud
Glittering Cloud

I'm really grateful for being able to blog for shiny shabby and most of my latest images reflect this. I find that being a blogger also helps push my own creativity as I try to interpret and portray the various creations from the event in a personally fulfilling way.

Recently on flickr I joined a group called " Flickr is my blog" and I'm finding this to be quite true. I tend to use blogging as a means to elaborate on thoughts and ideas more than anythingelse. Who knows though ;-) another new year in the life of this blog :-)

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